Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"Simplicity is Overrated" Thesis Statement Analysis

1) Thesis Statement: “Features win over simplicity, even when people realize that it is accompanied by more complexity.”

2) a) “If a company spent more money to design and build an appliance that worked so well, so automatically, that all it needed was an on-off switch, people would reject it. “This simple looking thing costs more?” They would complain. “What is that company thinking of? I’ll buy the cheaper one with all those extra features – after all, it’s better, right? And I save money.””

b) “Marketing rules – as it should, for a company that ignores marketing is a company soon out of business. Marketing experts know that purchase decisions are influenced by feature lists, even if the buyers realize they will probably never use most of the features.”

c) “The answer is the latter: people are not willing to pay for a system that looks simpler because it looks less capable. Hence the fully automatic system that still contains lots of buttons and knobs.”

3) In a world that has become engulfed in the expansion of technology many consumers are on the hunt for the simple, easy to use engineering of yesteryear.

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