Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Advertising Design

1) “This approach, which often is quite sophisticated in terms of research design, frequently indicated that advertising has little or no effect on respondents. Or, to be more precise, none that can be detected or measured.” P. 13 This is an interesting passage because it shows how advertising is a very subconscious process. Knowing this, it is that much more important to have a well designed ad. More times than not, people are going to ignore an ad and not think twice about it, but it can still affect them. A well designed ad will stick in the back of consumers’ heads until there comes a time when they have to make a purchase. At this time, whether they know it or not, that well designed ad will encourage them to purchase the product advertised rather than another option.
2) Key Point: A) Keys to advertising- Berger talks about how the process works and what an ad agency’s thought process is when designing an ad. B) Psychological aspects- here Berger talks about the psychological process of advertising and how it is often an unconscious one. C) Commercials as “art”- To me, this was the most interesting part of the chapter. Berger breaks down different elements of commercials and how they can seem like more than just an advertisement. Strategies using heroes, sex, and humor are effective ways to catch someone’s attention.
3) Understanding viewers’ thoughts and inner processes is crucial to the advertising industry. People are well aware that an ad is only there to get them to buy a product and it’s the agencies job to make them forget. Whether through a subconscious process or by using humor or sexuality, there must be a defining element to an ad that doesn’t feel like an ad. The ad must play with the viewers’ brain in a way that makes them enjoy the ad and “forget” that it’s really just a commercial. Based on Freud’s explanation of the human psyche, an ad must focus on the viewers’ id or internal drives. The viewers cannot have a chance to contemplate their decisions, the ad has to immediately strike their id and leave no room for second guessing.

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